We connect entrepreneurs directly to manufacturers
Over 152,000 satisfied customers since 2020
Assured Checkout
Online business community with over 12,000 entrepreneurs
About Us
Crown Connective is a business development company that connects entrepreneurs with suppliers and wholesale vendors around the world for the purpose of leading you in the right direction when purchasing items for you to retail in your respective online stores.
Our vendors are in the United Kingdom, USA and China. Each supplier list contains at 30+ verified vendors, wholesalers and manufacturers and their contact information.
Your e-book will be sent to you automatically via e-mail. Any issues, please e-mail: info@crownconnective.com
Purchase the vendor list(s) for the items you wish to retail.
Follow the steps in the vendor list and your free business plan. Ensure you’ve completed the legalities for your business , order your stock, create your website and launch your business.
Purchase our business resource e-books for further help with contacting suppliers, building a website and marketing your business.